The Standard Model

The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions, as per the prevailing paradigm, offers a comprehensive overview of our understanding of observed phenomena and their theoretical explanations.


This Standard Model is also a point of reference for this book when The Dutch Paradigm suggests an alternative interpretation of observations.

In this Standard Model, there is a fundamental split in particles, which are supposed to constitute matter (fermions), and particles, which are referred to as force carriers (bosons). The fundamental particles are constituents in the formation of more complex particles that are (meta)stable, with a (very) long lifetime before decay, and particles that only show up during extremely short periods of time before decay into more stable particles occurs.

The main physical properties attributed to these particles are spin, mass, and electric charge. For each of these particles, specifically for the most stable ones, more specific descriptions and attributions of physical properties are available, will also be referred to in this site.

Each main type of physical property is covered in its own separate chapter.