
We observe causality in action, triggered by free energy. Magnetism reflects the effects.  

The free electric energy released during the second period of the Big Bang represents the particle aspect of an entity’s particle/wave duality. This free energy is inherently ‘electric’ as it is part of the electromagnetic causal system that operates within an entity. Notably, the ‘magnetic’ causal response was absent during this period.

What is the nature of magnetism as part of the electromagnetic causal system? 

Let’s start by defining the general description of magnetism as published in Wikipedia:

Wikipedia on magnetism:

Magnetism is a class of physical phenomena that includes forces exerted by magnets on other magnets. It has its origin in electric currents and the fundamental magnetic moments of elementary particles. These give rise to a magnetic field that acts on other currents and moments. All materials are influenced to some extent by a magnetic field. The strongest effect is on permanent magnets, which have persistent magnetic moments caused by ferromagnetism. Most materials do not have permanent moments. Some are attracted to a magnetic field (paramagnetism); others are repulsed by a magnetic field (diamagnetism); others have a much more complex relationship with an applied magnetic field (spin glass behaviour and antiferromagnetism). Substances that are negligibly affected by magnetic fields are known as non-magnetic substances. They include copperaluminiumgases, and plastic. Pure oxygen exhibits magnetic properties when cooled to a liquid state.

The general view is that magnetism is a phenomenon that exerts forces between magnets. Another form of magnetism is electromagnetism, which is the type of ‘physical’ interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. It’s important to note that both descriptions involve the interference between multiple entities.

The system of electromagnetic radiation is actively present in a single entity. This electromagnetic system involves self-induced interference between the electric and magnetic components.

The Dutch Paradigm posits that individual magnetic forces oppose electric manifestations, aiming for potential equilibrium.

Magnetism did not exhibit a sudden surge at the beginning of the universe like free energy, as mentioned earlier. Magnetism became active again in period 3, as it was prior to the Big Bang, in a steady state. It still retained its characteristics from before the Big Bang. Therefore, magnetism can oppose free electrical energy, but it cannot compensate for the expression of the free energy of its own entity due to the established backlash. This backlash relative to its entity is permanent. Between entities, it can compensate for and reduce free energy. This backlash, when considered in relation to its entity, is permanent.  The naked entity will convert its remaining value for compensation into monopole magnetism, which identifies itself as the source of the manifestation of gravity.

How magnetism counteracts by causalities is understood in certain special cases. We have a good understanding of it in electromagnetic radiation, as well as its potential to generate electric current by moving electrical charges, such as electrons, through space and magnetic fields. The fact that we only know about some special cases should not lead us to believe that these cases are the only ones that occur in nature. We must consider magnetism as the fundamental force driving other interactions between particles as well.

The current idea that each fundamental particle has an antiparticle may be a specific interpretation of the counteractive functionality of magnetism. Taking this to more complex levels could suggest that each person also has their own perfect ‘anti’ person.

It’s clear that we need to be cautious with these extrapolations, but essentially, we are constantly reconstructing causality within our most fundamental building blocks. Every Planck time, which is 10ˉ⁴⁴ seconds, over and over again.

Another conclusion within The Dutch Paradigm is that a positron is not the anti-particle of an electron. The positron is still an electron but in another state of oscillation.

This will be further explained in the following chapters.