About inertia

Inertia is the process within entities and constructs to accommodate for a potential breach of the speed of light in one or more internal manifestations

Forming the construct changes the speed of the constituents. The speed of manifestations adjusts, by reduction of the frequency of the system and transfer from free electric energy into free magnetic energy, the gravitational monopolar attraction.

Once the constituents are spatially locked in a construct, a different scenario becomes active to avoid over-speeding whenever that construct accelerates. Acceleration is building up the speed of the construct in one direction only. The reaction within the construct is vibration to compensate for the potential breach. The final compensational vibration within the construct is direction sensitive.

A simple illustration is for the dodecahedron:

Whenever the dodecahedron, as part of a twin-dodecahedron, accelerates to a speed V, then all 12 electrons get vibrational compensation specific per face. It reflects the direction and value of the speed V. Whenever the dodecahedron rotates, the electrons adjust vibrational to the local spatial requirements. The direction and velocity of the speed within the construct are therefore conserved.

These vibrational responses are within the construct and preserve the history of acceleration of the construct, irrespective of the complexity of the construct.

An observer propagating through space at the same speed alongside such a construct is not aware of such a build-up of energy in system inertia. Also, such an observer can accelerate the construct, and subsequently the system adjusts to the induced new situation through a rearrangement of the inertial reaction. The observer perceives that as an absolute inertial reaction of the construct, while in fact, it is relative.   

The consequence of this postulate is that the planet Earth has in all its constituent twin-dodecahedrons the history preserved of its journey through space and time in a single directional speed vector.