
Interference is a well-known phenomenon that occurs when particles interact. The Dutch Paradigm acknowledges photon/neutrino interference.

The electromagnetic manifestations of the two types of entities, the photon and neutrino, can potentially interfere. This interference can have lasting strong or weak effects. If it is strong and has significant consequences, it requires causality driven by a principle.

The Dutch Paradigm recognizes this principle as:  

The resistance of the construct to decay is determined by the transfer of free electric energy of the entities merged in a construct into free magnetic energy.

 On the level of entities, three types of interferences to be discussed:

  1. Photon/Photon
  2. Neutrino/Neutrino
  3. Photon/Neutrino

This interference is based on single entities.

At the restart as from period 3 of the magnetic compensation, all these photons and neutrinos had similar start conditions, resulting in

  1. The same time delay: 1 TPlanck
  2. The same propagation speed: c
  3. The same amplitude of the EM manifestations
  4. The same start frequency of the EM manifestations
  5. The same clock frequency for the update of values of the EM manifestations

Upon restarting the magnetic compensation, each photon and neutrino type of entity will exhibit, in addition to the uncompensated free electric manifestation (the particle part of the entity), a wave-like electromagnetic manifestation as well.

Such a wave-like electromagnetic manifestation reflects the historical path that the free electric current induced in the causal





All combinations allow for potentially constructive interference, as long as there is no violation of the speed of light by the electric and magnetic manifestations, or the speed at which the entity propagates.

As stated: At the restart, all these photons and neutrinos went through the same event, that resulted in

  1. The same time delay: 1 TPlanck
  2. The same propagation speed: c
  3. The same amplitude of the EM manifestations
  4. The same start frequency of the EM manifestations
  5. The same clock frequency for the update of values of the EM manifestations

However, for the neutrino, the frequency of the EM manifestations reduced immediately to avoid over-speeding with the rotational speed at the amplitude of the EM manifestations. This will be discussed and calculated in a subsequent chapter. 

The frequency of each neutrino had to decrease, causing an excess of magnetic energy in the electromagnetic system that could not be used for the delayed compensatory process. This surplus energy became available as a quant of free magnetic energy for each individual neutrino. As a result, a neutrino can interact with its free electric and free magnetic quant. The free magnetic energy quant interferes magnetically with other entities possessing magnetic energy. This free magnetic energy of the neutrino is monopolar.

Two observations:  

It is the start of the free monopolar gravitational  attraction

The frequency reduction of the neutrino is within the bandwidth of visible light