In the beginning of the Universe

The ideas of The Dutch Paradigm regarding the electron as a construct, link in towards ideas about the beginning of the universe.

These ideas translated into a simple animation showing:


moreover, the crucial question was raised:

 If we have a fixed amount of free energy available as a physical manifestation of the existence of entities, with retarded magnetic compensation, what could be the meaning of this for us as conscious human observers?

The Dutch Paradigm clarifies that this start of the universe translates into the identification of the source of the particle/wave duality. Both the photon and neutrino show this particle/wave duality behavior.

That “particle”-element of the particle/wave duality links directly into what happened in period 2 at the beginning of the universe. In that period there was the outburst of energy. Free, uncompensated energy, that apparently can be modified by interference into other types of manifestation, like “mass,” but will forever be the source of energy for modifying reality as perceived by the human observer.    

The ideas of the beginning of the universe as per The Dutch Paradigm are specific and need clarification for further understanding. They are choices inspired by the basic assumption that this universe is there by intention. Acceptance of such an intention is not part of the discussion or required to accept the related assumptions relevant for clarification of the new paradigm. Therefore, some further elucidation on how we perceive the universe is helpful.   

To start with, we also assume within science that “our” universe had an origin and developed since into its present form, which is what conscious observers may experience.

There is no evidence yet of the reoccurrence of such an event. Maybe our physical universe is not the only one in existence, nor do we know whether the actual beginning of the universe was, in fact, a beginning, or a conversion of some sort, a transformative process.

There is for this first period no hard evidence of a sequence of events that follows a physical law of nature.

Wikipedia for a law of nature:

“a theoretical principle deduced from particular facts, applicable to a defined group or class of phenomena, and expressible by the statement that a particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present. Physical laws are typically conclusions that are based on repeated scientific experiments and observations over many years and which have become universally accepted within the scientific community.”

Observation stems from sensory perception by individual experience. Such perceptions are the outcome of an extremely complex process, in which massive numbers of photons meet our senses and transmit signals to our brains. We can communicate to other people on what we see and feel as if we live in a physical world and agree on the mutual observations.

This way of observing and understanding the content of perceived experiences is so universally accepted, that we do not often realize  – from a purely scientific point of view – that this is still a very mysterious process. It is virtually impossible to technically translate the impact of photons into an overview that explains what is recognized when we “see” reality with our eyes. Grasping and interpreting the picture up to recognition is a mind-boggling capability. We accept this capability as a given fact in a similar way that we can communicate on what we observe. The messengers of what we see are photons in a frequency band of the spectrum of electromagnetic rays that do not harm us physically. Apparently, these photons can interfere in a specific and particularly meaningful way in our eyes. To quote Johan Wolfgang von Goethe: “The eye was made by the light, for the light, so that the inner light may emerge to meet the outer light.” This mysterious process is the start of our thinking process to find logic in what we observe. The scenery enlightens itself by virtually projecting pictures in our thought processes.

The processing of information can be a reference to clarify some of the assumptions of The Dutch Paradigm. It is a sideline but still important for this site on particle physics. It will not question the documented observations, but it will play a role in discussing some explanations for observed phenomena that are not (yet) part of the scientific community’s present state of acceptable interpretations.

When we look into the sky at night, we see information transmitted to us by photons. These photons have had vast differences in traveling time as a naked photon, relative to their last encounter with a physical object. We may see photons that have traveled 13.7 billion years without any physical encounter, but we also see photons that had their last encounter just a few years ago. The total picture reflects the “Lebenstableau” of the universe. We see what happened up to what we assume is the start of our universe. We can see and study this scenic history of the universe in great detail, supported by technical means like telescopes to translate the photonic information into a crisp picture of the reality of the past. These pictures are nowadays even more comprehensive then what we could see with the naked eye only, due to frequency shifting into the visible part of the spectrum by technical means. We observe these pictures and learn evermore from this scenic history of the universe.

This Lebenstableau indicates that with our present set of logical explanations, there was a beginning of the universe, as we can observe it, as people who are aware of their consciousness.

The name for this event is the Big Bang.