It is impossible to construct more complex nuclei by just sticking protons together.
Two protons in position to form an assembly will repel when the electric vectors point in the same direction. Under that condition, they cannot form a new construct.
However, there are two possibilities for a pair of protons to assemble in a new construct.
We know by now that in the single dodecahedron structure, we have pairs of electric vectors that mutually neutralize their effects. They are per opposite pair in an electron/positron configuration, but separated and can compensate, neutralize, but not annihilate. These vectors are still there, but act counteractive in their electrical impact on the assembled dodecahedron.
If we focus our attention on the proton first, we can draw the scheme:
Note 1: the name of gamma photon in circulation in an electron is “gluon.”
Note 2: the green and red as previously defined, a blue colored face has only a gluon, and a yellow face is empty.
The schematic representation of the neutron and the proton is:
The model allows the assumption that two protons can merge. There is compensation for each other’s electric vectors.
There are two possibilities:
The top version shows a binding face (the yellow face that is empty from both constituent dodecahedrons), the other one shows two blue faces with opposite charge vectors, which enables a neutron bond. The remaining electric vectors of the two protons would point in opposite directions, and such an arrangement compensates and makes up a two proton situation with no charge and no spin. The resulting construct is dark matter again. Maybe it is there and does exist, but we cannot identify it in another way than through its mass manifestation. Such a two-proton assembly is not very stable because caused by an unsynchronized oscillation it will decay, like the neutron decay.
The neutron plays the major role in making configurations of multiple protons that show active electrical behavior outside the construct.
The first incident will be that we find an ion structure or nucleus in which one neutron binds itself to a proton. That turns out as the nucleus of deuterium.
The result of this event apparently follows a simple rule of calculation. The neutron binds itself on the empty face of a proton, indicated as yellow. The oscillation of the neutron synchronizes with the proton. The spin is a full integer value. The stability of deuterium is high, though it is not extremely high
Note: The synchronization mechanism is the logical impact of inertial behavior of the construct at a speed ˃ 0. The explanation for this phenomenon is in a separate section.
The next step is a possible configuration of the nucleus of tritium.
The resulting electric manifestation is +1 and the spin ½. Tritium has an average lifetime of some 12, 32 years and decays to Helium-3. That is due to the left neutron bond to the proton. On the compounding plane, we find two gluon vectors that point in opposite directions and a neutrino in the center. Although all dodecahedrons are oscillating in sync, it is this area – this face – that is vulnerable to incidental interference with an external magnetic field. That can trigger the left dodecahedron out of synchronization, resulting in the neutron bond to flip in a proton bond. Consequently, the two vectors of negative charge within one dodecahedron will point in the same direction and a repelling force will become effective. The same could happen to the green dodecahedron on the right side. As a result, we can indicate that this nucleus of tritium is relatively stable, but is prone to decay when passing through a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field must be strong because, with an average lifespan of 12 years, the active electrical nucleus had become an atom with an electron in the first shell. A neutron can bind to a proton, but as long as these bonds are neutron-based bonds, they will show the risk of instability.
In a further step in the development of more complex nuclei, an additional proton binds itself to the deuterium nucleus and forms Helium-3.
The neutron positions itself in between two protons and binds with one proton in an empty compounding plane, as with the deuterium nucleus and with the other proton in a blue face, one with a gluon and without a neutrino. The vector direction of the two gluons is opposite. Such a configuration is possible and apparently stable because in this case, all faces are oscillating in the same mode. Whenever one of the dodecahedrons of the neutron oscillates out of synchronization, such a nucleus decays. The two gluons would point in the same direction vector wise and would repel the same electric charge in the neighboring protons. That synchronization is induced by the binding areas and most probably cause some reduction of frequencies of the constituents and a small addition to the mass manifestation.
This relatively small bandwidth of difference in frequency is the fingerprint of each element in Periodic Table of Elements.
The next step is Helium-4
Helium-4 forms by addition of another neutron to Helium-3.
There are two extra proton bonds, two in the same vector direction and two in the opposite direction.
The stability of such a configuration is limited. On the right side, we have two vectors pointing in the same direction, and that indicates possible decay. The decay of the neutron into a proton in combination with properties of the proton bonds will increase the stability of the construct.
This configuration is:
It is stable. There is a link available of some strong proton bonds with their resulting electric vectors in the same direction, separated by two dodecahedrons.
As from this configuration, it is difficult to assign the dodecahedrons to their origin, being part of a proton or a neutron. It becomes fuzzy, but the functionality per single dodecahedron is very well identifiable.
Configuring along this line of thinking makes next steps predictable as well. So far, the build-up of configurations is represented in a line format only, to clarify the principles. The factual configuration process results in more spatial structures, possibly with additional neutrons, but they follow the structuring principles as postulated.
Dodecahedrons can form spatial more complex nuclei by a combination of using more faces with the neutron bond and other faces in combinations of twin dodecahedrons for proton bonds that are electrically neutral to the outside world.
The rules to configure the nuclei for the elements can translate in an algorithm, with indications for stability and presence of isotopes.